Weekly Update (WE 30/05/2014)

I wanted to be the first person to post an update to our shiny new tech blog so here it is:

On Monday I published a change to the production Salesforce environment, which adds an optional reseller ref field, which can be populated when creating a new opportunity or order. I then published a new version of the Salesforce Service that includes it in the current new licences generated email which goes out to customers if the field is populated. As a result the title of current licence emails has changed from:

Signaglive Licences – Order Reference: {{ref}} | Your Reference: {{ref}}


Order Reference: {{ref}} | Distribution Reference: {[ref}} | Reseller Reference: {{ref}}

This is how Jason requested the email titles be formatted.

Also, on Monday I switched Eloise’s Salesforce Profile over to the new Accounts profile. As a result Eloise should find that her Salesforce environment is much less cluttered and is more focused on the tabs that she needs for accounting purposes. That now means that the remaining profiles to be switched over are those of the Sales team, which will be switched as soon as Roy and Raffi have gone through the tests themselves.



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